The PTCT Holiday Food Programme (HFP) provides fresh meals & snacks, as well as daily sports & activities for children living in the North of Glasgow, two areas of the nation where deprivation, as well as being areas high in inactivity levels, which can lead to cardiovascular disease and obesity.

This summer, we have been very fortunately provided with facilities for the programme to take place at Glasgow Kelvin College Springburn Campus, while Petershill Park is being renovated. We currently provide this for free, as we believe that all children should have the right to hot food & a community where they can make friends and play sports during the summer.

Unfortunately, our funding for the HFP was cut for the 2024 programme, meaning that we are funding the programme out of the Trust’s fund & donations from the community & across Glasgow. We urgently need donations to keep the programme afloat, so any donations given, we are extremely grateful for.

Young Ballers at our camp, sponsored by Scottish Gas & Scottish FA

Breakfast being served at Glasgow Kelvin College, Springburn Campus