Friday Club is open to anyone who has additional support needs, we provide exercise, fun individual and group activities, an opportunity to socialise and have someone to chat to, a cuppa tea or coffee and a general safe warm environment.

Currently we have activities such as football, pool, walking, exercise routines, darts, playstation and wii games and host some fun quizzes!

We allow participants autonomy over what activities they would like to take part in and when.


Paul Kelly Lounge, Petershill Park


10am - 3pm


Jamie Carmichael, Head of Programmes

“Friday Club is one of the best things we do here at the Trust, it allows people that may be in the house all week to have freedom and confidence to have fun. The programme is full of the happiest and pure people you will ever meet!”

Cole Ralston, Service User

“Somewhere different for me to go to have fun and see my friends, I’m stuck where I live most of the time”